Social Media Intake Form

Thank you so much for choosing Digby Media for your social media needs. We’re excited to work with you! This form is intended for clients in need of a social media optimization, strategy or action plan, or ongoing social media support and continued social media monthly management. Please only submit this form if you’ve already been in contact with our team.  Take your time and provide as much detail as possible in your answers, as this will help us better serve you and your business industry.  

                                               Please complete this form in its entirety. An incomplete form will delay the project from getting started.  Thank you!

By submitting this form, you are granting our agency permission to retain your business information for the purpose of contacting you/or providing services to you.  View our Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page to learn more.
  • 1) Go to your Facebook Business Page 2) Left Side of page select “Settings” 3) Scroll down on the left side and select “Page Rolls” 4) Center of page select “Assign a New Page Roll” 5) Type in my name Michael Td Roberts (we have to be friends on FB) 6) Select my name when my name pops up 7) Go to right of my name and select “Admin” 8) Click on “Add” 9) That’s it, you’re finished
  • 1) Go to your Google My Business Page 2) Go to the left side of the screen and scroll down 3) Select “Users” 4) Select “Add Users” 5) Enter my email address: 6) Select “Choose A Role” and select Owner. 7) Click on “Invite” 8) That’s it, you’re finished
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.