Essential Tips for Launching Your Business During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you’re an aspiring female entrepreneur with dreams of running your own business, the COVID-19 pandemic may have discouraged you from launching your company this year. After all, the economic downturn might have you worried about your business prospects. But surprisingly, this could be the perfect time to officially open your business, especially if you focus on building a positive public image for your company with the help of Digby Media. Here’s how to prepare for your launch in light of the pandemic.

Think Positive

Contrary to popular belief, the pandemic has presented certain opportunities for new business owners this year, meaning that reviving your plans to open your business is actually a savvy strategy. For instance, you can enjoy lower interest rates on loans, and with other businesses closing and selling their equipment, you’ll have access to fantastic deals. 

As a woman working to build her own business, you already know that you have the ability to exceed everyone’s expectations. The world of entrepreneurship is changing, and you’re prepared to rise up to meet these challenges. As you move forward, thinking positive will be key.

Further Your Education

If you’ve gone over the pros and cons of launching your business right now, and you’ve decided you’re not quite ready to go for it, you can still prepare for your entrepreneurial future. For example, you could enroll in an online college program to study business. You’ll be able to choose from programs like marketing, business management, or management and leadership. This will give you the chance to sharpen your business skills while waiting for the perfect time to launch.  

Revise Your Budget

Should you decide that you’re committed to opening your business this year, regardless of outside events, you’ll need to create a new budget to manage your startup capital. Ideally, this budget should reflect lower expectations for expenses. To keep your expenses low, SmallBusinessSense recommends carefully comparing prices for any products or services that you need for operations. Keep track of these figures on organized spreadsheets so that you can easily adjust your projections in the future. 

Develop Virtual Offerings

If you anticipated selling physical products or hosting in-person events, it’s time to get creative and start developing virtual offerings instead. As long as COVID-19 continues to spread, this is the safest option for entrepreneurs. Thankfully, this is generally not an expensive endeavor, and virtual products and services will allow you to earn passive income going forward. 

What kinds of products should you sell? You may want to consider creating ebooks that your customers can easily download. If you were thinking about teaching skills or holding trainings in person, you can begin developing virtual classes instead, which will open you up to customers who live all around the world! And finally, if you had planned to host live events and gatherings, you’ll need to begin planning for virtual events as an alternative

Focus on Digital Marketing

Before you begin offering your products and services to the public, you’ll need to develop a marketing strategy. In addition to creating a website for your business, you’ll also want to establish social media accounts on major platforms for promotion. It’s important to spend on digital marketing tactics that provide the best returns on investment – according to Inc., this includes content marketing and search engine optimization.


Sarah Bull

Photo via Pixabay