6 Steps to Marketing Your Business Reopening and Recovering Your Profits
Marketing is always crucial for small business success. When you are a female business owner looking to reopen your door after COVID-19 closures, however, having the right marketing plans and strategies becomes even more important. That’s why it helps to have these cost-effective and customer-attracting steps included in your reopening plans:
Track Your State’s Reopening Plans
If you want to have your marketing plan prepared in time, you really need to stay on top of any updates around your state’s reopening efforts. This is so important right now because while some areas are opening back up, many others have had to pause their plans due to increases in infections. You can review a reopening map to track efforts in your area but you should also check in with public health websites for your state and your city. This will also ensure that you don’t unknowingly violate any rules or restrictions when you go to reopen your business.
Support Your Remote Workforce
You may need to enlist the help of your staff in order to come up with effective marketing and reopening strategies. First and foremost, Work-from-Home Depot notes you should ensure that any staff members who will be working from home are aware of some basic online security best practices. Remote workers should only use devices which have the proper antivirus software installed and they should also take steps to keep these devices out of the hands of little ones. In addition to these security steps, also institute some policies that will keep your staff motivated and engaged from afar.
Focus on Your Social Media Plans
Social media is likely to be the best channel for reaching your customers and cluing them into your reopening plans. In fact, you should be posting content on a regular basis even while your business is closed, so that you customers will continue to feel connected to and invested in you and your business. You may also want to try partnering with local influencers or even other local female-owned businesses, to gain exposure. If you feel like you don’t have the time for social media marketing, you could also hire a social media consultant via freelance sites like Upwork.
Boost Your Online Reputation
While social media is crucial, especially during the pandemic, this should be just one part of your business’s online marketing plan. Even before COVID-19, Forbes explains that digital marketing was crucial for any entrepreneur looking to grow her small business. Now it’s even more important, so consider who your website and SEO could attract more customers and boost the success of your reopening plans. If you need some help with your online reputation, you can also consult the experienced professionals at Digby Media for tips on increasing leads, sales and profits.
Appreciate Your Supporters
If you have managed to keep your small business afloat during these chaotic times, chances are that you have a few dedicated supporters or customers who have helped. So as you formulate your marketing plans for reopening, be sure to recognize these individuals and offer your sincere gratitude for their support. This can be accomplished in the form of a social media post or two, an email or a more personal communication. If you want to encourage those customers to attend your reopening, you could also offer a special discount to VIP clients.
Advertise Your Reopening
Last but not least, when it comes time to reopen your doors to the public, you need to make sure that the public knows! If you’ve been making good use of social media, you could consider investing in ads or promotions to attract new and existing customers. You can also get more basic with your marketing efforts by having signs printed for your business that let people know you are open once again. This can also be helpful for adjusted hours or shopping rules.
Make the right moves now, and you will have fewer issues attracting customers back to your business when your doors reopen. It’s all about innovation, strategy and of course, customer appreciation, so combine these elements in your marketing and reopening efforts!
Best, Sarah Bull sarah@economymom.com Economymom.com
Photo Credit: Unsplash